Friday, May 29, 2009

Mum reverses car into toddler

Friday May 29, 2009

Mum reverses car into toddler

KUALA LUMPUR: A three-year-old girl was killed when her mother, who was driving her car out of a car park in Desa Sri Hartamas, knocked into the child who was outside the vehicle.

Isabel Cheong died on the spot after suffering head injuries when her 29-year-old mother reversed the car.

She did not notice that her child was behind the car yesterday at Jalan 25/70A, acting city traffic police chief Deputy Supt Ng Fook Long said.

“The mother only realised she had run over her child after hearing her cries. She immediately got down to check what had happened.

“Passers-by tried to help pull the child out, but by the time she was dislodged from under the car, she had died,” he said.

The body was sent to Kuala Lumpur Hospital for a post-mortem.

(Source: ignorant is that?? How could u not know your child is around u when u want to reverse the goddamn car????

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

FUGLY - Definition in my own language

FUGLY - how do u define the word?

Perhaps everyone will interpret it in different way.......

Here is my own interpretation of FUGLY = UGLY + extreme level, alas FUGLY is just FUCKING UGLY....lolxxxx


- 12th May 2009 -

Keeping quiet and keeping to oneself is never sufficient to some people...having to cope with own tasks and doing what is required - is simply NOT enough as per some people. Some people think emotions can be controlled / disguise as easily - do u need to hide it if u dislike something?

I answered one incoming calls to general line:
Lady: cheong, cheong??
Me: sorry ms, this is the general line, r u looking for ms.cheong?
Lady: yes
Me: please hold the line, i will transfer the call to her.
(After sometimes - since C is on discussion with my boss, the call bounced back to me)
Me: i am sorry miss, but she is in discussion now, would you mind to call back later?
Lady: put me to lois (pronounced as louise, and the lady sounds so harassed, she is extremely rude and weird - calling general line initially but ask for someone like she called the direct line and doesn't listen to what people says)
Me: sorry ms, but lois and cheong is the same person. Would you mind to call back later or do u want to leave any message?
Lady: (started to raise voice somemore - fuiyoh! think what? i m deaf and dumb?) i m Sxxxxxxx callin from xxx hotel, tell her i already faxed the telephone bill to xxxxxxx (number)
Me: ok, let me repeat your msg again....(so repeated the things)
Lady: (just hung up the phone)..............
Me: (pissed - so rude!)

so i send by msn to c the message (Ms. Sxxx from xxx hotel calling to say she faxed telephone bill to xxxx number)

After a short while (in msn messenger again)!!

cheong says (10:35 AM):
but pls , next time, when u transfer call to me ,.,, dun let me hear u banging the phone again ok
otherwise, dun pick up ,,,
~tEssY~ says (10:35 AM):
i did noT bang the phone cuz of that
cheong says (10:35 AM):
if u r not willing to pick up
~tEssY~ says (10:35 AM):
the lady who is loOking for u is very rude

**she doesn't reply after that, when she walk past, i told her the same thing. know what - she juz ignore. Such from a person who says i have ATTITUDE PROBS**


Monday morning blues? who says it never happens? i used to ignore mondy morning i tried not to be sucked up into a moody environment first day of the week....i mean it doesnt matter anymore when u barely sleep enough most of the days in a week...

It so happens that this particular morning (11th May 2009), the stupid management of Menara Hap Seng (Former MUI Plaza) switched on the air-cond later than usual. I totally understood that if switching it on later means the office will be stuffy for at least half an hour before it starts to be cold.....before u can like breathe properly.......

Eventually the air-cond came strong and cold - that is when c asked me to call management office and make a complaint, to check what took them so long to switch on the bloody air-cond??

Due to my colleague - who has been hospitalized and now resting at home (on medical leaves), i basically got to follow up on her work.....

Back to the story - so i called, and there is no answers, perhaps they dun start work as early as some people or like the majority of us....(its 8 something in the morning)

So i was informing C that i called and no answer...she just said "you can call again later"......and so i continue on with my work, which is piling up. At about 9 something she asked me to call again - she is only sitting right next to my seat in the office (open space layout office).

I picked up the phone and dialled again. This time someone answered the phone - after yakking for sometimes tellin whoever it is who picks up the phone about the air-cond not being switched on earlier and stuffs, the person said "i will need to check - this is supposed to be by technical department and stuffs", there it goes, so he took down my name and telephone number and indirectly promised to give a call back within half an hour from the person in charge.

True enough, some one from technical part called within half an hour time, but when i complaint about what happened - he said he need to double check whether it is true or not...u know the person who called me back give me excuses that the air-cond haven't been switched on for 2days (weekend), so that is why it takes longer time for it to be cold. And so the person again promised to call me back............which then i totally forgot about........

Please i m not in charge of doing admin works - i have absolutely no ideas on how i should lodge a proper complaint on such matters.......and works keep pilling up....i have meetings to arrange, i have researches to be completed....and basically tonnes of other works which is not paid services nor recorded works..... and on top of all these...i need to do what ever it is from my colleague's post - due to only one reason - i am the junior (in terms of designation) in the office. No one even pity me when i need to do extra works just because i m junior......All i get is not thank you - only yelling and sarcasm..............

Forgetting about something small - i do not think i can control....i have no life...i work till late everyday...who even cares? Like cream on top for dressings - i kinda feel i m coming down with fever or something.......

Forgetting is not proof for ignorance - if i still will pick up the damn telephone and do as what i am told - it really means i m not ignoring anything or disobeying someone/something, it only means i m still willing to do what ever which is asked from me...............

Sometimes later....................................................(in msn messenger):

cheong says (1:23 PM):
tesy, u r supose to let me know the result of complaining to the mgt office
cheong says (1:24 PM):
wat they said ?
~tEssY~ says (1:24 PM):
earlier they called me back - then the person said will check
then i forgot about it adi
the person said hen he called me
he gave me excuses - 2days no one use the air-cond
~tEssY~ says (1:25 PM):
what else do u want me to do?
i have already called n i have already complaint
cheong says (1:26 PM):
dun sound like tat to me,..... this is not wat i want to see the BAD attitude from my juniors, as your SENIOR (superior
i have right on asking u to do something at work ok,,
cheong says (1:27 PM):
i dun wana KEEP ON ASKING wat is the result of doing tat , doing tissssssss , I WANT autoMatic report from u ,,, not until i ask u
~tEssY~ says (1:27 PM):
i m only asking u, what else do u want me to do - as i have already called n complaint. they gave me excuse for the reason. i do Not normally deal with the management ppl. i would noT know what to do
~tEssY~ says (1:28 PM):
today u only asked me to call the management n complaint, did u asked me to do something else?
cheong says (1:28 PM):
tats why i STIL need u to update me autoMatically of the result, Y do u keep quiet,,, until i ask u ?
~tEssY~ says (1:29 PM):
i told u - i forgot about it after the person said will call me back
i m sorry if i forgot n did Not report back to u
cheong says (1:29 PM):
learn wat is the proper attituide of working n BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS ME NEXT TIME,, WHEN I ASK U ON SOMETHING,,, NOT UNTIL I ASK U
i dun excuses,,,, FORGOT IS NOT GOOD REASONL
~tEssY~ says (1:30 PM):
i m Not trying to come up with excuses
i m tellin u the truth
y do u always said my attitude n attitude
i mean u only asked me to call the management This morning
~tEssY~ says (1:31 PM):
i have already called
i really forgot to report to u wat they said
cheong says (1:31 PM):
IF U r sayign forgettign brabrabra,,,, LEARN IT THIS TIME, I dun wan to see the same mistake next time again
~tEssY~ says (1:32 PM):
i have already apologize - i did noT said i dunwan to learn

To me when someone admit their mistakes, they are simply not ignorant!!!!
Forgetting about something to me - if small little thing such as this....i think it is forgivable.....and more over the air-cond is like freezing cold.........