Monday, May 28, 2012

Of Discount Sites and Hair Salon

Been busy with works and running around everywhere of late, but hey, I am updating my blog again. As usual I wanna rant bout something really badly…
Now, I am sure most if not all of us have succumbed to those discount deal sites that are all over the places. From big international group to small local ones, everyone is basically the same, just how good a deal are you offering to the person who bought it. From products that you can actually use to services or meals, people tend to forget to stop and think about the quality and what you pay for you don’t actually put in very high expectation. But this is not to say that I’ve bought some awful stuffs la, some of the stuffs I’ve bought is not that bad, but majority is like fail case! >.<

I thought that meal deals were the worst of ‘em all. But over the weekend it proved me totally salon deal = nightmare! (Ok, not fair to those maybe that’s better and fairer to customers). Rephrase, in particular Cocomo Salon in Solaris Mont Kiara. Hah, much better!

After some consideration to buy the deal, which is RM88 for very basic hair rebonding which I am opting for, with hair wash and hair blow, I didn’t take head on all the lousy and horrible stories I’ve heard from people who actually bought these deals – especially salon deals previously.
*the deal*

I was excited in fact! Then the horror start, firstly to make a call to place an appointment is like you better stab your thigh with a few knifes at one go. You tell me isn’t lunch time the most common time for people to call and make appointment? I called like millions of times, every single time either line engaged (someone else calling also lor, this I can understand) or nobody pick up at all, just ring until the line cut off. I tried a few days, but still the same. Sometimes when I got off work a bit earlier than their closing time, I called and called. How many times I called? It gives me frustration and makes me angry. As in to why you bother to give a phone number but so difficult to answer it? Finally I got to someone who answer (managed to make an appointment – it was in 3 weeks time from the day I called).

When the day comes, I am happily going there for the cheapo rebonding service. I didn’t want to go for better / normal one as my hair reached just my shoulder and how good a rebonding I did it will go and curl out like those sixties hair style due to the length. So I thought while waiting for my hair to grow a little bit longer why not stop the hassle of crimping my hair straight without fail every single morning?
(Note: This is not my first time subjecting my hair to rebonding, I’ve done it so many times, I can repeat the process even. I’ve done relaxing, perming as well. So you can say that I am no stranger to visit salon for hair service)

Back to the story, I was there slightly earlier than my appointment time, I asked and they are glad that I am early in fact (the lady who did my hair, not the boss). So I gratefully sat down, but to my dismay, she didn’t even bother to wash my hair as per the norm before starting any hair service with chemicals slathered on. For a typical rebonding the steps will be from A-Z, no matter what price you are paying for, it should be the same:
  1. Hair washed with shampoo and no conditioner (totally clean hair). Blow dried after hair wash.
  2. Hair separated into small parts, and cream softener or relaxant is applied to the whole heedful of hairs all while keeping it straight. Left on for designated time.
  3. Hair steamed before rinsed out of the relaxant.
  4. Hair blown dried and keratin lotion thingy applied to hair.
  5. Flat iron used to straighten hair part by part.
  6. Hair neutralizer of sort applied to set bonds and stabilize the hair, done in parts after step 5. Leave for designated time.  
  7. Rinse off with cold water. Hair treatment is optional, some salon offer package inclusive of it and some will be an option to top up. Good stylist will only need to blow dry your hair to achieve straight hair after this last step.
If they whip out a hair iron, end result after you wash your hair at home later on might not be as good.  Usual practice, they will advice you not to wash your hair within the next 48hours for the shape to really set. Please wear a shower cap or plastic bag when you take your shower.

 Ok, while they skipped step 1, other things were sort of still alright. During step 2 in progress, the owner – drama queen whizzed in. Starts complaining about yesterday – how busy is the saloon, how dramatic for him and all of the staffs, how bad this and that. There were like a few customers around, BITCH rant elsewhere please! More drama enfolds when he flips the appointment book, “what? So many use voucher?”, then proceed to condemn about the voucher buyers and how bad it is for his damn business la. Keep saying cannot earn $$ and cannot cope with the customer rate etc. The final word that makes me swears I am not coming back to this salon: “I tell you all, don’t take appointments for vouchers one, not more than 2-3 per day, just a few per day”. Now I know why phone nobody answers – nobody gives a darn. He some more can say fuck it those voucher one don’t want to do it. Drag till forever, just tell customers all full.

WTF. I am angry. He kept condemning that voucher buyers are like shit heads, cheapo who bought something to make his life hellish and makes his goody saloon so hectic cannot cope.  BITCH, the groupon thing nobody force you to do, if you’ve decided to do it, it means that the business is only so-so for your salon. This is to market and promote your salon, creating awareness to the public and consumer of your salon existence. Shouldn’t you be promoting your salon instead or ranting there and make customers like me who am there feel like shit? If you explain and tell anyone nicely, people will be willing to top up on your hair treatment and other things that you are up selling. Major alert – COCOMO SALON IN SOLARIS MONT KIARA, you can get better for the dough that you are paying. Seriously.
*curious as to what he looks like?*

To regulars of the salon, he practically pray and bow to the customers – like they are god. The courtesy to offer voucher buyer a cup of water also don’t have. To regulars, offer a whole menu range to choose from. They do have water and Chinese tea in house just to clarify. Seriously, stop it before all new customers boycott your salon.

To be fair – the stylist lady who did my hair wasn’t mean to me. Their partnering mani/pedi/facial/massage business quite alright. I did basic manicure with them while doing my hair. Only the salon owner is an arse. Instead of promoting the business, he ended up making me feel like I am so unworthy to visit this place. I did topped up with the hair treatment that was up sell to me by my stylist, if I had know the boss so BITCHY I wouldn’t have said yes. Why want to spend the $$ there when the place treat you like some dirt.



  1. why do they even bother advertising in the 1st place?

    you should escalate to groupon as well

  2. Wow thanks for this review. Sorry to hear about your bad experience :(

  3. just planning to buy the salon's voucher at i'm definitely not going there..

    why bother go to salon that even trashed their customer..really did'nt understand why the owner even agree to join groupon @_@

  4. Anonymous - It's ok, I hope that others won't experience something similar from this horrible place....
    Lynn - I think every paying customers deserves better than this place!

  5. After you rebond, how's the outcome?

    1. My hair become dry and frizzy, broken ends alot..... =/

  6. I bought the voucher for 2 already.... what can I do? and I have same problem.. nobody answer the phone so I can not make appointment..

  7. OMG.........i definitely agree to your comments!! i just back from the saloon doing coloring, didnt even wash the hair at the first place and now the color came out different color tone!! i am extremely disappointed on their services as the boss keep pushing for treatment, if you dont buy he will complain that so cheapo want to save the few dollars and watsoever............I will not visit this saloon again and i hope it close down soon.

  8. I had an awful experience at this saloon too. I bought the rebonding service on Groupon. The outcome?? My hair is super dry and very rough at the roots. Totally frizzed out. And mind you, this is after I bought the additional treatment for RM60. Total rip off!! And the guy stylist who did my hair was shitty. He kept tugging my hair painfully and he did my hair half heartedly. Also, I was made to wait for an hour even though I made appointment. I've written a complaint to Groupon, and I hope no one gets conned into buying this deal at this shitty saloon again.

  9. Yep, completely the same for me. Went there for a perm, my hair was straighter than before!!! No curls whatsoever. Also the stylist didn't speak a word English. I didn't have problem with reaching them, but was on the phone with them for about 10 minutes because they could not get my name, which is very basic. On top of this, they made me pay for the treatment too, but I was told that it's 15RM, which turned out to 60RM as they were pronouncing it wrong...I tell you, never to return to this salon, I bought lots of groupons before, and always got a great service, this was a nightmare though!!! Please don't buy anything from them...

    1. I agree with you...horror groupon story....

  10. Gosh!! I have bought two vouchers and upon reading the reviews i am so afraid to go, what shall i do? First of all i cant get their number. Groupon should seriously look into this matter or else no one will purchase anything from Groupon. But if anything goes wrong with my hair or their service i will teach them a lesson and make sure they close shop. Groupon should read these reviews and inform the saloon to do things right and don't cheat customers. Groupon as the advertising or promoting agent should be held responsible for it

  11. I am sure everyone who purchase a deal from any discount site won't wanna be ripped off, the reason I am even writing this out is to tell others what kinda bad experience I had there.....which really sucks =(

  12. Omg nightmare.. thanks for your review i'm just considering whether shud buy that groupon package or not!

  13. I hope whoever that buys the Groupon voucher for any hair service from this saloon will have a better experience than me. =/

  14. i purchased this same groupon on monday the 1st July and attended this salon on Monday the 8th of July. I got the worst service the hairdresser applied highlights as asked and my blonde is 4 different shandes and she burnt my hair when i complained the guy in the photo told me to "f Off and this is malaysia and proceeded to call the cops on me" I have made a complaint to groupon about this company and to the comsumer affairs. I hope no one goes to this salon

    1. Oh my god! That was really horrifying!! I hope Groupon do something to compensate you. And this salon should close shop soon due to the bad services rendered to all new customers....Dunno why they still bothered to do promotion on Groupon....I kinda regret not making a big complaint when I had the bad experiences last time..Hope you are alright there.. =/

  15. aaahh.. thank you for your reviews! i almost bought this groupon... Do you ever went to M9 saloon in PJ?

  16. wow..thanks for the review and comments as I nearly bought the voucher as well.

  17. Thank you so much for this post. My appointment is this afternoon and I'm not going after reading this. I guess we need to avoid all hair deals. I have contacted groupon through their Facebook page and leave feedback through thier website, hopefully they will no longer advertise Cocomo's service.

  18. wow! thanks for your review, i was considering to buy the deal because of convenience..and also thinking they would have good service and all since its at Mont Kiara. Wont be buying that deal anymore.

  19. Oh God, thank you for this review. I was debating buying their Groupon! Not going to but it anymore!

  20. can't believe they are still in business and are on groupon again 2 years later! thanks for the review, i will be sure not to step into this place.

  21. I guess is really bad.. and i just called up checking on the price for hairstyling , then was checking if they have make-up service, the so called "boss" who answered sounded dodgy, he told me no make up service but suggested that I bring my own and he will do it for us, so I was reconfirming, if that's indeed the case, I guess he got offended and just said "up to you, I cannot guarantee you will like it, if you don't like then go elsewhere"..Oh wow!! I swear I will not stay close.. I just wish Groupon will ban them or else more victim of such a disgrace service!!

  22. Im lucky to have found your post if not will be another victim since Groupon is still advertising this salon.. what a shame to Groupon as well even after so many have written complaints about this salon.

  23. Oh no! I just bought the voucher yesterday and had been trying to call them for appointment but no one bother to pick up. Don't think Groupon will refund the money to me if i want to cancel. It is a shame that Groupon still allows them to promote the services. Terrible service and not bother to pick up calls

  24. Oh no! I just bought the voucher yesterday and had been trying to call them for appointment but no one bother to pick up. Don't think Groupon will refund the money to me if i want to cancel. It is a shame that Groupon still allows them to promote the services. Terrible service and not bother to pick up calls

  25. Ghaaaa since 2012 meyh?? Huwaaa why laa i didnt google first b4 purchasing. My bad hair rebonding experience ever!!! My hair become damn frizzy even after my 1st wash aftr 4days of rebonding. Seroiusly. I go there last week and the staff ask to pay additional amount for hair treatment bcos of dry hair i had. Tapiiiiiii... tak sampai seminggu rambut aku dah macam sabut kelapa! Grrr. Im gonna see u today. Im gonna see u! Ask back my money. Damn. And ill brag this issue to social media n all.

  26. oh mai goodness. Thank God i read all the comments and reviews. almost bought it tho.

  27. omg!! i've brought the voucher for 2. Damn regret! huhu.. Hope it will turn out fine.

  28. hahahaha u make me change my mind...i will not go there to color my hair
