Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Little Korea @ Solaris Mont Kiara

This place is one of my favorite hunts when it comes to Korean me taste wise this place is really good. As compared to some other more authentic Korean restaurant around Ampang, I would crave and come back again and again to this little cosy place which is usually popular with Koreans around the Klang Valley....

And again, this place has been widely and commonly blogged about, raved about, and frequently visited by food lovers all over... ^^ We all crave and hunt for good food ain't we? cut the story short, this dinner today is something like spur of the moment of me and my bestie girlfriend..and we didn't order much foods other than a main for each of us..hehehe...i wonder how come sometimes back both of us can even finish BBQ for 2pax on top of the 2 main dishes! Crazy hor?

Here comes some little pictures of the place and the food that we've ordered..halfway through I realize I totally forgot to take more pictures...too hungry la..hehee..!

*cute huh? the paper place mat on the tables*

*Interior from our table oh*

*The hot fluffy steaming egg and varieties of ban chan - refills with a big smile on face de, unlike some stingy places...hehehe..yeah I am that xiao chi!*

*Our flavorful main dishes, simply awestruck fulfilling!*

Right after that I've forgotten to take more pictures of the place...hehehe....too over whelmed by the delicious food..not to mention my growling tummy which needs to be fed...!! 

Will post about this place again the next time I visit, will order something different too!  >.<''

Stay tune for more to come folks! ^^


  1. hahaha when wan try koreans ah u? come i bring u taste kimchi~

  2. Hehe.. Let's go for next destination!

  3. ying: sure thing~ can't wait tim! ^^

  4. yums! Im goin fr my dinner tmw! So tis is better than the ones in Korea town??
