Monday, July 12, 2010

Ignorant Cheeky People!!!

Nao - I am really REALLY lao chan today!!!

I wan the whole wide world to see and remember this car....!!!! GRRRRRR~
This stupid brainless bugger, at first parked at my parking lot when I just shift in and have the guts to ask the guard to clamp my car cuz the fellow said it's his parking lot. I did not go to management office double triple check for fun noh!!!

After getting my car plate number at my parking spot, again today the bugger go and parked at my lot!! U will be xiao chi or not I ask u? Just got back no parking space, dahla my condo here the visitor parking so limited...!!

Go and complained and ask security to clamp the bloody car...BUT the fellow so smart and so fast, you would think the bugger got CCTV there de ah..can see my very frustrated face is it?

When security people came with the clamp, the car is gone!!!!! How mad can you get?

So after I parked my car, I see this ignorant bugger - parked at other people's parking lot!!! Which by the time my brain is not working anymore and I am so pissed, I took this picture!

To this lousy car owner - do u know how ignorant and how retarded you are?? Go find your own parking space la and stop doing nonsense!! Grrr...GERAM!!

Curse you the stupid no brained driver to step on dog poops, fall into longkang, had a bad hair day, become botak within 3days, and no FRENS!


  1. Aiyo, RM7.50 will solve it...
    Of course, with a bit of reading on "How to Spray Paint Messages on Cars: Manual for Xiao Chi Parking Lot Owners"...

  2. yeah if it's u, then how would the story goes arh? *pouts*

  3. It would most probably be titled: "The Day the Tyre Workshop Changed 4 Flats on a Same Car..."

  4. at least cuss him something like this..

    To the owner of the sohai car: Fuck your fucking fuck faced fucked up pie shoving hole that you use to spread stupidity upon your fucking friends who lick your motherfucking cock only because they don't have their own cock or mother to fuck in order to be motherfucking bastards like you and your father and mother and their fathers and mothers up to the third generation when your great grandfather decided to fuck a chicken in order to have children he could beat up and rape until they had other children he could rape until your brainless face was shoved into the world multipling the number of shit heads by an unimaginable amount that represents your stupidity and the stupidity of your ways in you miserable life that even snails consider more boring than sliming your father's cloged up ass-hole with slimy juices only your grandmother could reproduce in her infinite ugliness and slimines that can only hurt any normal man and prove she is the witch buffy missed when she was fucking vampires like your grandfather and killing dark bitches such as your flooped-belly grandmother who has no excuse for the pathetic life that her daughter brought into this already poor world which is overfilled with tightassed assholes such as your uncle and his uncle fucking wife which is a transexual dolphin with a silicon implant in her whale lips that suck your uncles fat nipples until they realized how useles they were to this whole world and gave birth to your zombie cousins that are just replicas of Michael Jackson and fall apart while trying to capture your bitch of a girlfriend who is only a stupid whore who sucks ass and shits all over the shitty cave you call home when you drag hay from the fucked up fields you roll in instead of actually doing something with your pathetic life even, to decorate the walls covered with horse shit between which you and your fucked up dog that you like to fuck in the ass instead of your girlfriend who is so damn ugly even animals run away at her sight, you religiously-fucked up sorry piece of white black trash with a small dick overlarge butthole vagina instead of belly button and arms like a baby who stinks like all the barf buckets of the world united into one stinking pile of arse that is your fuck face.

  5. I also wanna do so...but canot let a no brainer mess up my blog..this blog is dedicated to foods and everything / everywhere I deemed nice!!

    ahahaha...good work manfei! XD
