Friday, July 2, 2010

palate palette

Here it comes...first one on to post is Palate Palette - the hidden gem amidst the bustling city center of Kuala Lumpur!

This place has been blogged amongst avid food bloggers and been visited by greedy peeps like me and my gang so many times, BUT still it is one of the truly hidden gem amongst all places. For big group, better to make booking ahead to avoid disappointment as this place is also popular with local artist, and avid gluttons, be prepared to be told that it's FULL, hehehe...check out:

ALL photos is grabbed from my gluttons mates, which I am also present - hope you guys dun mind me using those piccies ya! Now please give a big claps and be prepared to be tempted outta your socks by mind blowing totally mad-awesome food and ambience!!  ^^V

*Palate Palette (more fondly know as PP by my gang!)*

*nice cosy ambience with tea light candles on the tables*

*tastefully and nicely painted staircase leading to their upstair's lounge*

 *chio wall murals, what more can you ask, heheh..bring a date lah*

*our drinks, but didn't get all of the piccies..hahah...barely remembered the names*
 *complimentary ASPARAGYU from the boss - it's so yummy nearly got heart attack on the spot tim!*

*the infamous and MUST have - POTATO WEDGES, hand cut potato wedges with tobikko mayo as dip*

*Glorious QUICHE-ME - beef bacon and mushroom quiche tartlet, which is simply amazing and to DIE for as per description in the menu!*

*potato salad - dun judge food by its outlook, taste it and you will know what I am busy raving about!!*

*mushroom soup - much better than most*

*fried calamari*

*something which I can't remember the name - but LOVELIES loves it to bits!*

*oxtail shepherd's pie - not my favs due to the smell of oxtail*

*best lasagna in town wei!!*

*pasta carbonara - classic example of to die for food*

*pasta primavera marinara - for veggies lovers*

*don't remember the name...hahah...*

Too bad I do not have all the pictures from everything that we ordered to be posted up...but I think ALL these are more than sufficient to tease the taste bud and to make you crawl over for a bite there!

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