Monday, July 5, 2010

Fishing Trips Compilation

Finally I am posting pictures of all the fishing trips I went around Semenyih, Kajang area...

All photos uploaded are random and sometimes we actually went home with empty hands, not to mention the bad sunburn or catching the cold from the rain....but one way or another I am glad to say, even though I am a fishing junkie still, I am enjoying every moment of it and can somebody please bring me for fishing trips at those Kelong places arh?  =P

*My humble companion, nothing fancy oh - can't afford it..hahahah, wait till I am pro first yah!*

*Some of the fishes that I dun dare to hold and take pictures   =P*

*Look at my sun burnt face LOLX*

*I am nothing but a cam whoring pig!*

*Hooked up the same fish after releasing it yoh! Tsk tsk..greedy yu!*

*The excitement of hooking up a big fellow can't be describe~*

Now, can someone please AJAK me go fishing or not just to let me post somemore fishing nonsense orh! Prettty pleasssee....hehehehe   ^^V

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