Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wong Solo Ayam Penyet (Indonesian Food Galore)

Sometimes I tend to repeat myself one times too many, until it irks the spiders outta people who actually pay attention and listen to me...teehehehe....

But anyway, who cares right, when something is really good, it must be shared numerous times....I would still say this..someone asks me why am I so obsessed with Wong Solo and ayam penyet, but it's not my fault la..who ask me to see it a couple of times in a row wor?  =P

The answer is simple - i bring you to try it for yourself then you be the judge for whatever that I am blabbering about....

Too bad I do not have one single photo from my makan trips to Wong Solo...perhaps everytime I am there it's a spur of the moment thingy...hehehe...

Anyway to make up for the lack of photos to share and rave about Wong Solo's ayam penyet, I am grabbing some pictures from a fellow blogger from here:
Thank you and I hope you don't mind me sharing your awesome pictures that you've got there with my fellow friends.

Why do I deem Wong Solo to have the best ayam penyet in KL? Hmmphh...good question...hehehe...I think the chicken which is soft and tender not to mention so flavorful is part of the reason. Eating in Wong Solo no one will take into account the ambiance or the service one..pretty slow one...but let's get back on track here. Another part of the reason is the chili...!! So spicy and yet you will automatically ask for more...especially adores the kicap mix wif chili!!!!

I've actually tried a couple more places with ayam penyet...BUT, I still stick to this, I still vote for Wong Solo..!! Still haven't find one to beat it yet for the time of my posting..hehehe....

Well, better cut the crapping short and show some goodies yah! Here goes, thanks once again to MK Street as I am attaching all these photos from you!

*They have a couple of branches now - Ampang, Kg. Baru, and Bangi*

*The restaurant layout, been to Kg. Baru and Ampang one - same same one!*

*Their favs - sirap limau, soda gembira and dadih, too bad can't find teh botol's picture*

*Tadah - their to die for ayam penyet combination platter, gosh I am salivating now!!!*

Actually they have more food choices and other varieties one..their sapi penyet, ayam bakar and ikan lele is also few of the SHOULD TRY food...hehehe...BUT I am in loves mostly with AYAM PENYET...see the black sauce (kicap mix with chili one!)...

If considering the price, still about RM10.90 for the ayam penyet platter FOC one cup seamaster mineral water la, a bit on the pricey side. 

BUT definitely cheaper than Ole Ole Bali and Bumbu Bali, but again you won't be able to find the exact food on the later two's menu...

Hahaha....verdict is a MUST try ahh...I shall stop using so many "BUT" and end this posting now!  ^^


  1. nice food n drinks..n some memories :) ..keep move on gal..

  2. tried it before! its the best in KL indeed!
    went like once a week ke ke ke.. so addictive right..
    sometimes went twice a week ~

    Yes and i like the mix of kicap and chili!

    Hey you should try empeng! its a keropok and dip in lime-chili sauce.
    delicious :)

  3. sorry for the slow reply here..yeah..i will order that on next visit. I still frequent the place for original ayam penyet now and then.. ^^
