Saturday, July 3, 2010

MOON CAKE FESTIVAL : moonies hosted by LOVELIES's sunny

Mooncake festival is widely celebrated and kinda like a MUST for malaysian....and even though I am like banana most of the times, this does not stop us from having fun!  =P

Enjoy this long due posting all hosted by the pretty sunny at her spanking lovely pad:

*sunny is so good with her decoration skills - she bought tonnes of lantern and decorated her pad!!*

*see what I meant, mad awesome sunny darling!!*

 *the MUST haves - piggies in basket, moonies cakes, pamelo and tanglung*

 *camwhoring is more important and that is the main purpose of playing with the camera  ^^ *

*least but not all - sunny's poor FROGGIE kena rape!! hahaha*

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