Friday, June 28, 2013

Bulgogi Brothers Chain in Malaysia

I've been procrastinating on updating and writing for sometimes now. So, I kicked my ass and now here I am, doing some much needed updates on my blog!

Few days ago I was invited to join in for dinner. It's more like a reunion for my brother in law with his childhood friend la. But what I am gonna be writing about today is not about the reunion but more on the food which I've enjoyed terribly! =))

* Nah, you wanna know where I dined! *

This is actually not my first time dining in Bulgogi Brothers by the way. But it was my first time at Pavilion outlet. I've frequented e@curve outlets a couple of times before this, with awesome service.

Even though I am not some Korean food expert, but from my previous work experiences and where I've worked before, more or less I know what kind of food that I am putting into my mouth (of course I meant  Korean dishes la! Hahaha).

What I personally liked about dining in Bulgogi Brothers as compared to other Korean restaurants in KL is the taste of the beef is good. I didn't say ALL, but I knew some restaurants settled for Indian Buffalo meat supplies to be sold to their customers. Maybe not for the BBQ meat but for the meat in your soupy dish! HAHAHAHHA!!

Ok, back to my story and food porn! Due to the hospitality of the friend, we were able to sampled more dishes on that night.

As per the norm, we were served corn tea, a bowl of complimentary appetizer of steamed corn, edamame and sweet potatoes for sharing among the four of us. On that particular night, instead of pumpkin sweet corn soup normally served, we had the sweet corn soup. And also the "banchan" - a MUST for all Korean food! Bulgogi Brothers serves 6 banchan (side dishes) to accompany your Korean meal, and of course it's refillable, as long as you can still eat it, you can refill it. But I didn't take photo of all these, were busy salivating over the next up dish!

We started off with "Sogogi Naengchae" - the salad topped with beef brisket and drizzled with some awesome sauce (the beef were marinated nicely and full of flavor).

* Sogogi Naengchae - the appetizing salad *

After savoring the delicious salad, the next item served were the Spicy Chicken Maekgeok. It looks like our satay. I tried this long ago, and it was spicier previously. I was told that they've tweaked the recipe and now it tasted much more nicer! I like how it tasted now, seriously!

* Spicy Chicken Maekgeok *

After finishing it up, came the next round. Let the Bar-BEE-QUE begins! Tadaaaaa~

* Gwangyang Sik Bulgogi *

One of my personal favorites while dining at Bulgogi Brothers. Gwangyang sik bulgogi is just Gwangyang style bulgogi, thinly sliced seasoned beef being cooked in front of you.

* The smell when it's cooking will make you salivate like nobody's business!! =P *

* Can eat now - use accompanying vegetables to wrap the meat and add some sauce ya! *

I fail once again to take picture of the accompanying basket of refillable green vegetables for wrapping purpose and not to mention the dipping sauces. HAHAHAHHAHA....Phail blogger phail!

Next, (Right, somemore food coming!!) the "special for us dish"!! =D

* Look at the marbling! *
* Yummy-yummy *

How can we not try the other famous bulgogi when you are dining in Bulgogi Brothers! The "Seoul sik bulgogi - Bulgogi ala Seoul style*.

* Seoul sik bulgogi - marinated beef in house special sauce, cooked in apple and pear juice, in a medley of glass noodles, leek, onions and enoki mushrooms *

To be honest I am pretty scared of eating Seoul sik bulgogi sometimes, due to the artificial sweet flavors in other restaurants or whatever ingredients they used to make the dish becomes weird when you are eating it. I am pretty much surprised as this bulgogi dish I had were more or less the same as to what I've eaten back in Korea itself.

* Sweet and tasty - best paired with a bowl of steaming white rice *

So, I've found the place to have this dish out of Korea. =)) (I used to love this dish because of the extinct flavors, but hated it after trying some funny tasting ones around KL Korean restaurants).

As there's only the 4 of us eating, 3 being females, we've hit our capacity for the night....HAHAHA

We had some Korean ice creams for dessert, in closing our dining experience in Bulgogi Brothers.

* Our ice creams after selecting from a bunch of it *

Wow, that was such an experience, if I am there again, will take pictures to blog about their other dishes.
I've tried most items in their menu already! =))

They served plum tea to ease your digestion and bring down all the heat from the food we've consumed.
Another plus point you will definitely notice - food were not oily!!!

Restaurant information:

Bulgogi Brothers, Pavilion KL (Same floor as Din Tai Fung and TGI Friday)
Lot 6.01.03, Level 6, Pavilion KL Shopping Mall,
No. 168, Jalan Bukit Bintang,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-2141 9620