Tuesday, May 12, 2009


- 12th May 2009 -

Keeping quiet and keeping to oneself is never sufficient to some people...having to cope with own tasks and doing what is required - is simply NOT enough as per some people. Some people think emotions can be controlled / disguise as easily - do u need to hide it if u dislike something?

I answered one incoming calls to general line:
Lady: cheong, cheong??
Me: sorry ms, this is the general line, r u looking for ms.cheong?
Lady: yes
Me: please hold the line, i will transfer the call to her.
(After sometimes - since C is on discussion with my boss, the call bounced back to me)
Me: i am sorry miss, but she is in discussion now, would you mind to call back later?
Lady: put me to lois (pronounced as louise, and the lady sounds so harassed, she is extremely rude and weird - calling general line initially but ask for someone like she called the direct line and doesn't listen to what people says)
Me: sorry ms, but lois and cheong is the same person. Would you mind to call back later or do u want to leave any message?
Lady: (started to raise voice somemore - fuiyoh! think what? i m deaf and dumb?) i m Sxxxxxxx callin from xxx hotel, tell her i already faxed the telephone bill to xxxxxxx (number)
Me: ok, let me repeat your msg again....(so repeated the things)
Lady: (just hung up the phone)..............
Me: (pissed - so rude!)

so i send by msn to c the message (Ms. Sxxx from xxx hotel calling to say she faxed telephone bill to xxxx number)

After a short while (in msn messenger again)!!

cheong says (10:35 AM):
but pls , next time, when u transfer call to me ,.,, dun let me hear u banging the phone again ok
otherwise, dun pick up ,,,
~tEssY~ says (10:35 AM):
i did noT bang the phone cuz of that
cheong says (10:35 AM):
if u r not willing to pick up
~tEssY~ says (10:35 AM):
the lady who is loOking for u is very rude

**she doesn't reply after that, when she walk past, i told her the same thing. know what - she juz ignore. Such from a person who says i have ATTITUDE PROBS**

1 comment:

  1. I think that lady is obsessive to bully you....If I'm not mistake,she is very rude to others .i'm wondering why she is sticking to attitude problem issue very much...
