Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Embarking on everything new

Have you sometimes feel so overwhelmed by recent changes around you?
Well, guess what I've been feeling so overwhelmed for the past week already....

Sometimes I am not sure what I've gotten  myself into...But I know it is all for a better future and for something greater to comes......

Embarking on furthering my education is also something which I must complete in all of my free time to come.....Due to the interest in this field, I will strive to do my best if possible...I hope God makes the path that I've chosen uncomplicated and not too difficult... =)

And I hope I can still go on deep sea fishing trips in the coming future.....with an expected schedule which will be brimming full and expecting the need to make many many sacrifices to come....

WISH ME LUCK! To any one who is struggling with a packed schedule, YOU CAN DO IT TOO! =))

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