Wednesday, June 2, 2010

difficult people all around us

i dun understand why some people are so difficult? When handling certain scenario or situation, they can't seem to think in logical way.

When people perceive things in different way, it is acceptable. But when every single other people perceive you in a skeptical way, shudn't you be looking further into your conscience and think of how you have been acting?

Some may say that different background and upbringing may cause for akward behaviour, some may even say that it is acceptable for such reaction, all due to the difficult background of a person. But in this society nowadays, don't you think that it is simply an excuse for you to behave poorly?

In such a harsh world and society, how can you give yourself so much excuses so that you will gain more privilege.

Backstabbing. It is also a serious offence. It's a NO-NO with a capital N. When you backstab, you cry your heart out, you gain some pitiful reserves from people. But when you think about it, what happen afterwards? Calling names ain't what people like to do. But sometimes when you deserves some bad treatment due to your ridiculous action, no one will ever take pity on you.

Believe in KARMA please. Whatever you do, there will always be the return, just a matter of time. Sooner or later, you will get back in double or triple folds for whatever that you have done......

I believe in this. I might not be a perfect or a good person, but I try to differentiate the good and the bad and what I do for people.

KARMA is a powerful thing. It can't be controlled or stopped. Please beware and do not complain when you are being hit by the karma truck once and again too many times...

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