Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nong & Jimmy - Fun filled dinner with lovelies

the dinner do with all LOVELIES were great and fun filled as usual..!! no other gang of peeps would be able to replace every single one of them...never will we ever have nothing to talk about..

To Emily @ the dick! Happy 21st birthday..may all your coming years be filled with joys and loves by all around you. May the year be the best beginning for you! ^^

*pooh bear gal's birthday cake...YUMMYLICIOUS lor*

To my dearest sis, if I would be asked to choose whether I would want another sister, I will trade my life rather than changing you for another person! Jie, you are the most awesome sister I could have asked for!!

I just wish that you were by my side to share all the joys and happiness this gang has brought into my life...

This group of peoples who really give their heart as friendship between all of us...

I LOVES you guys, every single one of u!

Dinner Location: the most raved about thai food place in KL (Nong & Jimmy)!!
(Updated with some foodies pics - ALL stolen from b'day gal!! and some of it from some previous trips to nong&jimmy!!  =P)

*the famous mad-awesome char keuh with pandan kaya dip*

 *nice mango salad, on par with what u can find in thai itself*

 *KICK-ASS maddie-licious TOM YUM KONG!*

*flavorful grill sotong*

*addictive sii ham - according to sunny*

*fried rice - simple and can't stop*

Food still very awesome...but still think the grill fish is so-so. Other things are still yummylicious!! Go try it if you have not been there...For the 8 of us, with so many's only RM150 (to be exact it's RM148.00)!! Totally worth it!

(Wait till i get my hand on mixo's pics, to be updated! *evil grins*)


  1. the pics r up edi Tessy!!
    go go go, luv ur blog

  2. V^^V yay~ will go steal some more pics from u mixo~~

    btw cant wait for ayam penyet tonite!
